Cenforce (Sildenafil Citrate) Dosage Guide

Men buy Cenforce online as it is a rock-star pill for treating erectile dysfunction in males. It is not yesterday that this ED pill entered the market and made a boom. Cenforce has been improving the sex drives of males for years now.
Sildenafil Citrate, the major ingredient of Cenforce tablets, was approved in 1998. It is being used in Cenforce as well as many popular & effective ED medicines like Viagra, Fildena, Kamagra, etc. So, if you’re suffering from erectile dysfunction & are prescribed with Cenforce online, you’re good to go with it.
This blog is all about helping you out with making the most out of Cenforce Sildenafil tablets. We’ll start with Cenforce 100mg which is the commonly prescribed dosage of the underlying medication.
How to Take Cenforce 100mg Dosage?
First of all, your doctor is the only one to decide the ideal timings of using Cenforce 100mg pills. Most men are recommended to take this ED pill once per day with a glass of water.
Cenforce should only be swallowed & not split, crushed, or chewed. Food consumption is not a question here. It can be swallowed whether you have had meals or not.
The Only Care You Should Take Is:
- Ensure that this ED pill is used at least 30 minutes to 1 hour before the sexual intercourse.
- Keep alcohol usage at a minimum. If possible, avoid drinking alcohol, grapefruit juice as well as any alcoholic beverages that may lead to dizziness otherwise.
- Make sure that you don’t attempt driving, using machinery, or doing any activities that need your focus.
Please note that this dosage guideline equally applies to all Cenforce dosage variants (Cenforce 150mg, Cenforce 200, Cenforce D, etc.)
Can You Increase or Reduce the Dosage of Cenforce?
Be it Cenforce 100, Cenforce 150, or Cenforce 200mg, it has been prescribed keeping certain health aspects in mind. Taking more or less than the prescribed dosage will not bring desired effectiveness.
For instance, if you increase the dosage (overdose) Cenforce tablets, Sildenafil will be invested more than the ideal amounts in your system. This can create an imbalance and the patient may have to suffer from severe negative impacts because the possibilities of side effects increase.
On the other hand, if you reduce the dosage by taking the pill every alternate day or using it after splitting the pill, Cenforce will not be as effective as it should be. This simply means that your efforts will be in vain because you’ll not witness desired improvements.
What Else You Should Keep in Mind While Using Cenforce Dosages?
One of the most important things to consider besides the above-mentioned aspects is to learn about the medicines that show conflicting reactions with Sildenafil Citrate.
Here are some medicines that are mostly avoided with Cenforce:
- HIV/AIDS medicines
- Antifungal & Antidepressant drugs
- Medicines containing Nitrates (Example: Amyl Nitrate)
- ED pills having Sildenafil, Tadalafil, Vardenafil, etc as active content
By the time you’ve reached the end of this blog, you must have discovered essential keys to consider for using Cenforce tablets. Isn’t it?! That’s all to share at the moment.